Hangdog scarecrows in early 20th-century America / A one-sheet for Caught in the Cabaret presences the background — a poster for Love's Sacrifice, "A Mutual Movie," hangs above; the venue? a town-hall / More unfunny brick pitching, the gag relies on the physical reaction of the target, not much more to the premise than that / Staple and Fancy / At dinner parties did Sennett play raconteur, there freely exercise his wit? / Mack Sennett, Robert Evans? / Chaplin shows up at the 19-minute mark in the secondary role of boxing referee — extraordinary, he moves like slung taffy, bungee-limber and game / Fatty shoots pistols while wearing boxing gloves / It's got lots of little weirdnesses (it's an Arbuckle vehicle, after all), but guess how it ends? bunch of dummies falling in water

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