Sunday, September 15, 2024


Israel and Palestine / No True 

I started forgetting even in the course of watching — I remembered things related to the situation in Palestine. Forgetting or suppressing? One scene wipes out the territory of the previous scene. Whom do we have to thank?

The third Lapid film I've seen thus far returns to the themes of tutorial classrooms and late-teens/early-20s, IDF memories — that is, Synonyms [Synonymes, 2018] — come back to the scene of an aggressive homo-male sexuality of the IDF.

News from Gaza a little more than a week ago tells of a Palestinian man raped by a group of three female IDF soldiers; he was quoted as saying he wishes only that his daughter and wife are able to escape a similar undergoing.


Other writing at Cinemasparagus on the films of Nadav Lapid:

Lama? / Why? [2014]

Haganenet [2015]

Synonymes [Synonyms, 2018]


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