Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Dance Party, USA

This Is Serious Early 'Mumblecore'

Dance Party, USA [2006], the debut from Aaron Katz, depicts an early-20-something/late-teens house party, and all the house parties out there, all the Americas within the United States. As such Katz's film's title hits all the spots. (I don't remember this program at all though I had to have seen some of it: "Dance Party USA is an American dance television show that aired daily on cable's USA Network from April 12, 1986, to June 27, 1992.") The film — and could Katz have known at the time of creation? — addresses the 'mumblecore' predilection for house parties: easy to shoot, full inventory of extras, all props drinkable.

Serial fuck-wizard Gus (Cole Pensinger) confesses to his best friend Bill (Ryan White) that he might have raped a 14-year-old named Kate at a party some months back. At one point, Gus pays an afternoon visit to the girl in an attempt to glean clues from the party and somewhat quieten his conscience. Gus almost 'wins our sympathy' in his avoidance of coming on to the would-be-Kate, who all but lays it out for him to take in her parents' house's basement rec room; it's painful to watch as it becomes clear that the girl has no recollection of Gus being at the party, let alone taking the role of her rapist, let alone having any idea whatsoever who this veritable stranger might be who has showed up on her doorstep.

The shame of male insecurities. Less fraught would be the thread involving Jessica (Anna Kavan) which — at a house party — coincides with Gus's. Any scene involving her involves beauty and calm, a slow rhythm. Before Jessica and Gus run into one another at a Portland fair, the latter wanders the exhibitions, with a crimson "S" emblazoned on the back of his t-shirt. Reputation-Gus unknowingly sports a scarlet letter.


Other writings in Cinemasparagus on the films of Aaron Katz:

Dance Party, USA [2006]


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