"What's the Showstopper?"
"A feature, of course. The other two, calling cards or proof of concept. This is the biggie." — "It's got evyerthing from the previous films?" — "All that and more. I mean, it's different, but the same." — "I get this OJ vibe." — "You're not off. You like the amibiguous shit after all, right?" — "Sure I do." — "So what's to say we doing have IP here. White girl, blames society for her own problems, victimhood is relative, and of course at the end the picture points back toward us all — 'you're stupid and scary'!' 'it's you who've fucked up this world, society'!" — "The money and the means..." •
Other writing at Cinemasparagus on films by Gillian Wallace Horvat:
Kiss Kiss Fingerbang (2015)
Whiskey Fist (2017)
I Blame Society (2020)